Let’s talk frankly and create something worthwhile, together.
In this day and age, beautiful branding shouldn’t be difficult. I design effective, visual communications that solve problems and encourage action… and, of course, write juicy paragraphs that keep people coming back for more.
Behind the scenes
I grew up in the desert.
Transfixed by Saudi Arabian souks that surrounded my home in the country's capital, Riyadh, immersing myself in cultural melting pots is what spurred my desire to think a little differently.
9 years later, following a few years in the UK, I upped sticks (again) to the more contemporary Middle East – Abu Dhabi. A more luxurious desert, this one was peppered with high rises and Ferrari’s, as opposed to the camels I was accustomed to seeing roaming the streets. Cue another stint in the UK’s Midlands, then Dubai, Sydney and finally Melbourne and you’ve got… well, a passport with a lot of stamps.
I came to design through an unusual route.
With dreams of becoming the next Meryl Streep (slightly ambitious…), I studied Drama and Performing Arts for a number of years, walking out with a shiny BA hons degree. Bright eyed, bushy tailed and certain that a career in acting was off the cards – I headed to Dubai and landed a job in Marketing. I loved it. It tapped into all my passions and enabled me to work with some industry giants. From copywriting to strategy I revelled in the opportunity to market brands in an enchanting way.
… a few years later
From B2B, B2C and everything in between, my experience is varied and product knowledge diverse.
Clocking up over 7 years in the industry, I have worked both client and agency side, and am well versed in the expectations and delivery for both. Whether it be culinary shark Marco Pierre White, the noodle franchise empire Wagamama, Mixologist Victor Jules Bergeron - one of two who lays claim to the Mai Tai (… yum) – or some of the world’s most remote accommodation sites, if you’ve got it, I’ll market it. Passionately.
The side hustle.
Many moons ago, working a job with limited budgets and a growing frustration that we were not getting the quality of material we needed, I enrolled in night school to study design and bring my ideas to life.
Since then I have integrated design into all my roles, whether it’s perking up a document, or designing an advert for Qantas’ inflight magazine. From multimedia marketing campaigns to freelance work, I hustled on the side; my passion grew and grew until eventually I cut the safety net so I could free fall into the (terrifying) unknown. It was brilliant.
I began Frankly Creating to assist other brands, people and companies get what they need from their material. It shouldn’t be difficult, nor should you need to remortgage your house to pay for it. Whether it’s penning paragraphs or designing collateral - the goal is all the same: to tell captivating stories in magnificent ways.